ACI launches #GUIDACONCOSCIENZA, the “Conscience” of ACI teaches us the Culture of the Guide

ACI launches #GUIDACONCOSCIENZA, the “Conscience” of ACI teaches us the Culture of the Guide


A great web campaign with influencers to remind, especially to young people, the correct behavior behind the wheel.

Sticchi Damiani (ACI):

“The license is likely to be only a mere certification: with a smile we remember the basic rules for driving properly”

A great web campaign, on the main social media and on the big online newspapers, to stimulate the “Culture of the Guide” is the one launched today by the Automobile Club of Italy, through a mini-series of 8 videos made with the group of influencers “Le Coliche ”, which will be completed by the end of the year, destined for the ACI channel on YouTube and on all social platforms.

The goal is to make people understand that driving means knowing, learning, respecting rules that are for everyone’s safety.

Unfortunately, on the other hand, not knowing “how to do it” and bad habits behind the wheel, which often go unintentionally, are the indirect origin of many, too many accidents.

Distraction, telephone use, excessive speed, underestimation of critical road conditions, overestimation of one’s abilities, lack of knowledge of the car and its characteristics, tires in poor condition, are some examples of the main causes of the vast majority of accidents, cause every year of thousands of victims.

ACI intends to raise awareness in a knowledgeable guide, beginning to remember the 8 main behaviors suggested by the “Consciousness of ACI” (#coscienzaaci): how to hold and use the steering wheel, how to sit at the wheel and carry luggage, the importance of knowing how to perform emergency braking, having the right tires (summer-winter) and in good condition, always being focused on driving, assessing road and weather conditions, using the jacket and the triangle to handle a breakdown or accident.

A sit-com for information purposes is the tool chosen by ACI, with the language, speed and mood typical of the web, to reach 34 million Italian drivers.

The 8 basic themes, selected with the help of the ACI Safe Driving School in Vallelunga, are tackled thanks to “Le Coliche”, a couple of influencers and Youtuber, who using funny paradoxes open the way for the final intervention of an instructor of safe driving, which as a positive conscience that accompanies the protagonists in the car illustrates the correct behavior.

“With this web campaign, ACI talks about the guide which is the first step in road safety, to reduce the incidence of accidents even more. Driving “well”, knowing the reactions of the car and ours, is not a habit but the pre-condition to travel responsibly and in peace. – explained Angelo Sticchi Damiani, ACI president – thanks to the development of active driver assistance systems, the so-called ADAS, our cars are always safer but the human factor, its concentration at the wheel, remains decisive ”.

ACI, by virtue of its role as leader of the Italian motor movement for over a century, intends to direct towards a correct driving culture, able to make the best use of car freedom.

“The Campaign derives from ACI’s observation of how the web, on which each of us constantly seeks information on each topic, treats the theme of the guide with unclear advice when not wrong, almost never expressed by really competent people,” says Ludovico Fois, Communications Manager and Councilor for External and Institutional Relations of ACI – The goal is to build a real “library” where to find the right information, always available for free, certified by the professionals of our Safe Driving Center in Vallelunga. With the hope – continues Fois – that the ambition to the good guide is stimulated and, why not, the will to attend the useful and specific courses “.

The brontosaurs and the steering wheel

The incisors and the belt

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