Supervisory Board Press Release

At its meeting held on 28 February 2018, the Supervisory Board, having noted the expiry of the terms of the following, Mr Louis GALLOIS, EPF (represented by Ms Marie-Hélène PEUGEOT RONCORONI), FFP (represented by Mr Robert PEUGEOT), BPIfrance Participations (represented by Ms Anne GUERIN), Dongfeng Motors (Hong Kong), Co. Ltd. (represented by Mr LIU Weidong) and Mr AN Tiecheng, decided to propose the renewal of their term, for a period of four years.

As previously disclosed, the Supervisory Board meeting of 25 July 2017 had decided to co-opt, as members of the Supervisory Board, BPIfrance Participations, Lion Participations and Mr AN Tiecheng, in place of three resigning Supervisory Board members.

The proposals for the renewal of the terms and the ratification of these co-optations will be submitted for approval to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 24 April 2018.