Intel: 2020 CES: Mobileye’s Computer Vision (Replay)

Watch Prof. Amnon Shashua’s CES 2020 address highlighting the progress and purpose of Mobileye’s drive to full autonomy. He showcased new sensing technologies that culminate into a 23-minute drive on the congested streets of Jerusalem that is the basis for Mobileye’s MaaS service. Shashua showcased the uninterrupted drive as an example of transparency he feels the industry should provide to get to full autonomy. | Amnon Shashua’s Speaker Notes

» Download “2020 CES: Amnon Shashua’s ‘Under the Hood of Mobileye’s Computer Vision’ (Event Replay)”

When: 11:30 a.m. PST Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020

More Context: Intel and Mobileye at 2020 CES | Autonomous Driving at Intel | Mobileye News | Talks & Interviews: Mobileye’s Prof. Amnon Shashua

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