In Las Vegas, a wedding between cars and hi-tech but in the name of concreteness

ces 2020

The technology show proposes workable solutions on the future of mobility and vehicles. Stop to visionary ideas: concept cars with human-sized cockpits and interfaces on display

by Mario Cianflone

January 11, 2020

CES 2020, the four-wheel novelties and the technology that will change the car

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More concreteness, less exaggerations and hi-tech hyperbolas created just to clickbaiting on websites. This year in the showcase at the Ces in Las Vegas, the technology show that for years has been increasingly an automotive show, there were no improbable neural connections between the driver and also the much-narrated autonomous driving, the one that according to the table Sae, Society of Automotive Engineers, is at the fifth and highest level, is no longer the key theme.

After all, 2020 should have been the year of mass autonomous driving, according to the storytelling promoted in recent years by car manufacturers, chip and software manufacturers and service providers such as Uber.

It was not so. Indeed there is also on the occasion as, in fact, the Ces to one of a sort of slowing down of expectations with the car manufacturers that focus on 5G as an online solution for better that level two already present in many cars but that is certainly to be perfected. And fast mobile networks come in handy. In the showcase at Ces not even flown cars, except for Uber who with Hyundai insists on this dream theme.

For the rest, the Ces from the automotive side offered realistic visions. Bmw, for example, has made a glimpse of its future, anticipating a scenario where level 5 autonomous driving will be a reality (but with longer times than the hypotheses of a few years ago), or without the help of man to manage the car , BMW with the “i Interaction Ease” concept presents the interiors of future Bavarians with maxi screens and without steering wheel.

Autonomous driving aside, “i Interaction Ease” is interesting because it allows you to glimpse the setting of the user interface of the cars of the near future. In fact, it is no longer enough to put a tablet with a touch screen on the bridge. Cars need specific interfaces, not the mere transposition of the man-machine interaction modes that we find in a smartphone. And here are gestures and touch-sensitive fabrics that enable functions ranging from volume control to air conditioning or infotainment management. From Bmw also a vision on the near future of comfort on board with reclining seats up to chaise longue type. We saw them in the form of a prototype on board an X7 SUV baptized for the ZeroG Lounger occasion: how to say that you travel without the force of gravity, suspended like astronauts.

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