@Renault: LADA increased sales and market share in 2019 year

LADA successfully completed 2019: 362,356 cars were sold in Russia, which is 1% higher than in 2018. The renewal of the LADA model range and favorable buying conditions ensured growth even against the background of a falling market (according preliminary assessment, the decline was 2%), while the share of LADA in the segment of passenger and light commercial vehicles increased from 20.0% to 20.6%.

LADA is a leader of the Russian market, significantly ahead of its nearest competitor. For the second year in a row, Granta and Vesta kept the two first places on the Russian market: LADA Granta with a result of 135,831 cars (+27.8% by 2018). In second place – LADA Vesta: sold 111,459 cars of the family (+2.9% by 2018).

The LADA Largus VP model also entered the Top 10 of the Russian car market with a result of 43 123 cars sold. In 2019, the Russians purchased 52,397 cars of the Largus family in general, including 9,274 commercial vehicles.

Total LCV sales result – 11 052 units, which is more than 90% of the sub-segment of small light commercial vehicles.

The Top 3 regions with the largest LADA sales in 2019 are Moscow and the Moscow region, Samara region and the Republic of Tatarstan. There were sold 85,330 cars or 24% of total sales.

Simultaneously with the growing popularity of LADA in Russia, export sales also increased: about 50 thousand cars were sold abroad, which is 32% more than in 2018 (and three times more than in the begging of 2017). The most capacious markets are Belarus and Kazakhstan, where LADA is also the №1 brand.

”In 2020, LADA aims to maintain its leading position in terms of market share in Russia, including by increasing sales of cars with automatic transmission and integrating the NIVA into the LADA model range. This year we will continue sustainable development of our dealer network and export markets. Of course, one of the most important tasks was and remains to increase the level of our customers satisfaction, ” said Olivier Mornet, Executive Vice President of sales and marketing.

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