@Groupe PSA: Fondation PSA and Avise move up a gear to support the creation of new social garages in France’s regions

Fondation PSA and Avise move up a gear to support the creation of new social garages in France’s regions

  • Launch of a program bringing together regional stakeholders to create the right conditions for creating new social garages
  • A program developed jointly with Fabrique à Initiatives project generators – support structures for social entrepreneurship
  • Five areas in France have been selected: Périgord, Argentanais, the town of Decines, Pays de Brest and North Drôme-Ardèche

“While continuing to support the development of social garages by providing them with resources and financial support, we now also want to foster the creation of new social garages in areas where a need has been identified by local stakeholders. To do so, we are going to leverage Fabriques à Initiatives incubators. Social garages are often fragile structures. Our project aims to create conditions that help sustainable social garages emerge,” said Karine Hillaireau, General Delegate of Fondation PSA.

“We are delighted that the partnership between Fondation PSA and Avise is to continue with the launch of this new program. It meets a real need for inclusive mobility in the regions, which is why we have brought in the Fabriques à Initiatives, local and regional development structures exploring new models for activities with a social purpose. In addition to the support the program will provide to each of the five Fabriques à Initiatives selected, the program’s national dimension is truly valuable for generating more cooperation between the regions concerned,” added Cécile Leclair, Director General of Avise.

Since 2011, Fondation PSA has supported 87 social garage projects, initially by satisfying their need for financial support. In 2017, it also started offering selected social garages support to help them become more professional as part of a partnership with Avise. Now, with the “Emergence of Social Garages” project, Fondation PSA and Avise are providing even more support. The idea is to unite local stakeholders upstream to create social garages that are closely aligned with the needs identified in the regions concerned.

Following a call for expressions of interest, five Fabriques à Initiatives have been selected to launch the process in unison: ATIS in Périgord Vert, ADRESS in Argentanais, Centsept with the town of Decines, TAg 29 in Pays de Brest-Carhaix and Courant Fort in North Drôme-Ardèche.

In these five locations, the program will allow the Fabriques à Initiatives to analyze mobility needs, then form a project group to study and develop a social garage model, before identifying and partnering a high-potential project as its activities get underway. This work will serve to identify best practices, which are the keys to success for a sustainable social garage.


Media Contacts

Laurence Bussac – +33 6 32 24 04 86 –  fondation@mpsa.com – psa-presse@mpsa.com

Flore Coppin – +33 1 53 25 02 29 flore.coppin@avise.org

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