@GM: Coronavirus update

Coronavirus update


From: Office of Mary Barra
As the coronavirus continues to evolve, we have important updates to our working policies to share.

If the nature of your work allows for it, we are asking all GM employees and contract workers to work remotely, beginning Monday, March 16. This policy applies globally, apart from our team in China, which has existing protocols in place. Please speak with your direct manager about what this means for you.

Contract workers should contact their employers for further direction.

These are important steps to lower the probability of spreading the coronavirus to coworkers, families and communities and to relieve the burden on public resources. It also helps conserve critical resources like cleaning crews, medical staff, and supplies so they can be deployed where they are most needed.

These are extraordinary times and we are focused on navigating the situation responsibly. Our IT tools and systems have been extensively stress-tested; it’s vital that we leverage them to continue delivering. We need you to stay in close contact with your leader and your teams to ensure continuity of work.

Of course, not all of our teams are able to work remotely. We are taking every precaution to ensure our teams remain safe and are adjusting manufacturing, Global Product Development, Customer Care and Aftersales and Contact Center work schedules to allow for additional cleaning. Given the current drop in use of public transportation and extensive flight cancellations, our customers are looking to us more than ever to ensure they have the vehicles, parts and services they need. Thank you to everyone for helping to ensure that we continue to deliver.

We will be posting updates regularly. Government policies vary by country; please make sure you work closely with your leader to stay compliant in your area.

I understand how uncertain these times feel. For many of us, it’s our first experience of this type. But disruption and trying circumstances are not new to us. Especially in times like these, we demonstrate our flexibility, agility and resilience. This team always rises to the occasion and just as we have in the past, we will chart our course.


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