“Digital Solidarity” ACI: Free subscriptions to the “l’Automobile” Magazine


Sticchi Damiani: “Even if we and our cars remain stationary, our passion continues to move and ‘move'”

The Automobile Club d’Italia also participates in “Digital Solidarity”, the initiative launched by the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization, with which the digital world comes to the aid and support of Italians, called to stay at home to contain the Coronavirus pandemic.

“L’Automobile” – the monthly magazine published by the ACI – offers free subscriptions to its digital edition. To obtain the subscription, simply send an email to solidarietadigitale@lautomobile.it, indicating in the object “Solidarity the Automobile”. Readers will receive an email with the code and instructions for activating their free subscription.

“A sign of attention and participation from motorists to motorists,” said Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of the Automobile Club of Italy. “In these days in which we and our cars stay still, our passion can continue to move and ‘move’, thanks to these pages that allow us to know and live stories and protagonists of mobility, design, customs and ‘sports car racing yesterday, today and tomorrow “.

Info: ACI cell press office. 320.4335255 – 329.4104776

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