@VW Group: Porsche AG Group – Key figures of sustainability

Key economic figures

The key figures concerning deliveries and production relate to the Porsche Group (including subsidiaries). The key supplier figures relate exclusively to Porsche AG.

1) Including the 918 Spyder.

1) As of financial year 2019, figures do not include pre-production vehicles.

1) Based on the creditor’s billing address.

1) Suppliers are considered to be local if they are based in the EU. Zuffenhausen and Leipzig are considered the main business sites.

Key figures for environment and energy

Listed key figures relate to Porsche AG and Porsche Leipzig GmbH. The categorisation of “production sites” (Zuffenhausen and Leipzig including production-related external sites), “development sites” (Weissach including development-related external sites) and “other sites” (all additional sites) corresponds to the internal reporting relevant for control.

1) Increase in total material consumption in t due to increased production figures.

1) The special energy products category comprises purchased energy products such as cooling medium or pressurized air.
2) Conversion factor from litres to MWh: petrol ≙ 8.72 kWh/l; diesel ≙ 9.91 kWh/l.

1) The indirect energy consumption is comprised of electrical energy (featuring 100 per cent natural energy since 1 January 2019), distance heating, block heating stations and photovoltaic installations.

1) Energy consumption relates to the production sites.

1) Direct energy consumption total (Porsche AG and Porsche Leipzig GmbH) in proportion to the number of employees.

1) Indirect energy consumption total (Porsche AG and Porsche Leipzig GmbH) in relation to the number of employees.

1) Significant drop in indirect GHG emissions as a result of switching to power drawn from renewable energy sources.
2) The reported emissions figures refer to business travel, i.e. local rail transport, rental cars and planes.
3) In principle, emissions only occur in local traffic, since 100% green electricity is used in long-distance transport.
4) The reported NOX emissions shown here refer exclusively to production processes, not to Porsche vehicles.
5) There were no emissions during the reporting period from substances included in Annexes A, B, C and E to the Montreal Ozone Depleting.

1) 1) The direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions refer to the production sites.

1) Total greenhouse gas emissions in relation to the number of employees.

1) The VOC emissions refer to the production sites.

1) Water consumption refers to the production sites.

1)The waste for disposal refers to the production sites.

1) Investments made at the Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, Weissach and Leipzig sites are factored into the calculation.
2) Reduced total investment in environmental protection measures as a result of new or upgraded production facilities in the preceding years.

Key figures for personnel and social matters

Unless specified otherwise, the listed key figures relate to the Porsche AG Group (including subsidiaries).

1) The employee figures presented correspond to reporting by regions within Germany (Porsche AG = Baden-Württemberg, Porsche Leipzig GmbH = Saxony).

1) Due to equal pay and attractive general conditions, the number of leased and temporary employees is not reported separately.
2) Definition of full-time employees: Full-time employees are all workers with a contractual weekly working time of at least 35 hours. In the case of production employees who fall under the shorter working hours under the “Labour Market Agreement of the Future”, the shorter working hours agreed there are considered to be decisive for full-time employment. There are no seasonal fluctuations in the number of employees.

1) Since 2017, consideration has been given to the entire Porsche AG Group.

1) Since 2017, consideration has been given to the entire Porsche AG Group.

1) Porsche does not report on minorities, as we are not permitted to collect this data due to personality rights.

1) Employee turnover is not reported by age group, gender and region, as these figures are not material to us as they are not relevant to our management. The figure is also determined excluding fixed-term employment, retirement and partial retirement.
2) Significant increase resulting from Group member companies.

1) Since 2017, consideration has been given to the entire Porsche AG Group.

1) The total number of employees eligible for parental leave cannot be determined because employees are not required to report birth. The year of assignment is the year in which parental leave started.
2) Due to longer parental leave or late start in the respective reporting year, not all employees have returned at the time of the data collection. The return and retention rate in the workplace cannot be determined on an annualized basis, as those returning in a year did not necessarily start their parental leave in this calendar year.

1) The considerable increase in the number of participants is due to the introduction of a digital learning platform in 2018 and the increased focus on digital learning modules.
2) The key figures relate to Porsche AG and Porsche Leipzig GmbH.

1) The key figures relate to Porsche AG and Porsche Leipzig GmbH.

1) The key figures relate to Porsche AG and Porsche Leipzig GmbH.

1) The key figures do not report data on employees from temporary employment agencies, third-party companies and independent contractors.
2) List only includes accidents that were reported. Non-serious injuries resulting from minor accidents are not included in the report. Accidents not resulting in lost days (calendar days) count as minor accidents.
3) Missed working days resulting from accidents reported in the reporting period are counted as lost days (usually Monday to Friday); the day of the accident is not included (≥ one lost calendar day).

1) Injury rate = accident frequency index: provides information on how frequently reported accidents have occurred within the company relative to the total of all hours worked. The calculation formula used as the basis is the number of reported work-related accidents times one million hours, divided by actual hours worked.

1) The key figures relate to Porsche AG.
2) Of this, external donations totalling 22 million euros in foundation assets for the Ferry Porsche Foundation, which was established in 2018.

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