@VW Group: SEAT agrees on a package of measures to help contain COVID-19

Following the decision adopted by the Spanish Government to declare a state of emergency to halt the spread of COVID-19 among the population, and in view of the expected lack of components in the coming days, SEAT’s Executive Committee has agreed to implement a series of responsibility measures to help contain the virus and further protect the health of its workers and collaborators. So far, SEAT has not confirmed any positive cases among its employees.

Today the company presented a Temporary Employment Adjustment Plan for reasons of force majeure to the Directorate General for Labour Relations of the Government of Catalonia, due to the logistical and production difficulties caused by COVID-19. This measure includes the entire SEAT workforce (approximately 14,800 people) but would only apply to those people who have to stop working due to the effects of COVID-19. In this sense, SEAT will continuously monitor the need for personnel in each work centre and will maintain a large contingent of people to ensure the continuity of the business during this period and that normal activity resumes as soon as possible.

The period of validity of the temporary employment adjustment plan will apply from the beginning of the interruption of the activity and while the cause of force majeure lasts, that is, until the circumstances that prevent the normal development of the work activity persist. During this period, some days could also be allocated to staff training, giving priority to employee health and safety. The SEAT Executive Committee has agreed to supplement the temporary employment adjustment unemployment benefit up to 80% of each employee’s salary, and to include the pension supplement.

Furthermore, the company’s management has agreed that all employees who cannot interrupt their activity and whose job characteristics enable them to work remotely will be able to do so, in line with the Administration’s recommendation.

In addition, the company has given paid leave to all pregnant workers, who will receive 100% of their salary. It has also guaranteed 100% of the salary for all employees who have to go into quarantine because they have been in contact with people who tested positive and for those who are confined to areas defined by the Administration, as is the case of the city of Igualada (Barcelona). These people will not be affected by the temporary employment adjustment plan until the end of their quarantine or confinement.

Measures underway

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 spread, SEAT has cancelled trips to risk areas and recommended limiting face-to-face meetings involving more than 25 people. In addition, the company has intensified its cleaning and hygiene measures by distributing, for example, sanitizing gel at various points in the workshops and offices. Information on the symptoms and guidelines for action has been continuously distributed to the workforce, as well as recommendations from experts such as Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, an expert in infectious diseases and honorary member of the SEAT Healthy Company Scientific Committee.

The occupational health and safety services have also set up a 24/7 emergency hotline for employees to make queries related with the disease.

The company has also provided an additional ambulance to transport workers who have symptoms during their working day to their homes under appropriate health conditions, until they can be treated by authorised health professionals.

The company hopes to resume its normal operations as soon as possible, although it will make sure that the health of its workers and collaborators prevails at all times in its decisions.

SEAT Communications

Cristina Vall-Llosada
Head of Corporate Communications
M/ +34 646 295 296

Ezequiel Avilés
Corporate Communications
M/ +34 646 303 738

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