@VW Group: Bugatti suspends production – Atelier in Molsheim closed

Bugatti is suspending production of its hyper sports cars in Molsheim from today, March 20,2020. The various necessary regulations implemented by European governments to combatthe COVID-19 pandemic make it impossible, amongst other things, to maintain the supplychain of production and spare parts.

In addition, it is almost impossible to deliver vehicles completed in the Atelier to their owners due to the travel restrictions. Bugatti supports the regulations that have been implemented by European governments as well as the recommendations of health experts and will intensify the measures already taken.

“Today we decided to suspend production to protect our staff and prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from spreading to our sites,” says Stephan Winkelmann, President of Bugatti. “In this extreme situation, our social responsibility demands that we take such a drastic step. For us, the health of our staff and their families, our customers, our business partners and suppliers has top priority.”

There has already been a ban on business travel in recent weeks. Through the expansion of mobile work wherever possible, most employees have also already been working from home for some days. Now, the employees who have been working directly on the French hyper sports cars will also stay at home for the time being. Special protective measures additionally apply to employees with a particular health risk due to pre-existing conditions related to their heart, lungs and a weakened immune system.

Bugatti would like to remind everyone that we are all advised to adhere to the recommendations issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and their respective local governments to stop the spread of the virus. These include:

  • Thoroughly washing your hands
  • Keeping to the guidelines on coughing and sneezing
  • Refraining from shaking hands
  • Touching your face as little as possible
  • Keeping your distance from persons that are visibly suffering from respiratory illnesses
  • Generally staying at home whenever possible

Stephan Winkelmann would like to thank all Bugatti employees who have been developing, producing or selling extraordinary vehicles over the past weeks and months with commitment and passion despite the coronavirus crisis. He would particularly like to thank medical support staff who have been exceptional, true heroes in all regions, particularly in France’s Grand Est region.

“Over the coming days and weeks we will continue to keep a close eye on the situation in France, Germany and throughout the world to be able to quickly react to any changes. As soon as the situation permits, all employees will return to their usual workplaces. Until then, I hope that all staff members and Bugatti enthusiasts stay healthy,” concludes Stephan Winkelmann.

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