Moody’s improves one step, from ‘Ba3’ to ‘Ba2’, the Fiat Chrysler rating

Posted 03/08/2018 11:39:33CET


The credit rating agency Moody’s has improved the long-term rating of the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) automobile group, ‘from Ba3 to Ba2’ (the second tier within the speculation segment or ‘junk bond’).

As reported by the corporation in a statement, Moody’s has also revised up the rating of bonds issued by the company, from ‘B1’ (in speculative grade) to ‘Ba3’ (questionable quality).

FCA noted that the company’s outlook is “stable”. For its part, S & P did the same last February, improving the long-term rating of the automotive consortium from ‘BB’ to ‘BB +’ (questionable quality, with uncertain capacity in the long term with great sensitivity to adverse environments).