@VW Group: 11May Italdesign with EasyRain and Bosch to develop A.I.S. – Aquaplaning Intelligent Solution It is an active safety system desi…

It is an active safety system designed to counter the aquaplaning phenomenon

Italdesign to establish a new collaboration with EasyRain, a tech company active in the technology applied to road safety based in Turin area, and Bosch for the development of new “A.I.S.” system (Aquaplaning Intelligent Solution), the innovative active safety system designed to reduce the aquaplaning phenomenon. 

The “A.I.S” (Aquaplaning Intelligent Solution), is the active safety device designed to improve the safety of wheeled vehicles, countering a problem that has not yet been solved: the aquaplaning phenomenon. It is the first active safety system in the world not to act directly on the car but to act on the surrounding elements. Once the installed software detects the onset of aquaplaning, an intelligent water injection removes excess water on the tarmac immediately restoring grip, thereby improving vehicle performance and safety.

The system is compatible with all vehicles and can be integrated with all modern driver assistance systems and with all intelligent sensors.

 “Italdesign has always been synonymous not only of Italian style but, above all, technological innovation. The partnership with an Italian company such as EasyRain to develop an innovative device in the field of road security represents one of the strengths of our company” comments Antonio Casu, Italdesign CTO. “For more than fifty years we have been developing cutting-edge solutions and safety, both active and passive, has been the number one priority at the base of our daily activities. The development of the EasyRain A.I.S. system is fully part of this philosophy and we are very happy to contribute to its development”.

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