@Groupe PSA: Progressive and secured restart of Groupe PSA manufacturing sites

Progressive and secured restart of Groupe PSA manufacturing sites in a context of resumption of commercial activities

  • Reinforced health measures, shared with the social partners, and deployed before any restart of activity with voluntary employees.
  • An audit campaign to guarantee their perfect implementation in 100% of the Group’s industrial, commercial, tertiary and R&D sites.
  • A gradual and secured resumption of manufacturing activity, driven by commercial activity.

Protecting our employees and protecting our company remain the two intangible principles for the conduct of our operations. Our enhanced measures protocol offers a high level of protection to our employees and is the first criterion for restarting our production sites. As industrial activity is driven by commercial activity, which is our second criterion, we are gradually and securely relaunching our industrial apparatus to manufacture the cars expected by our customers. These two criteria will guide our decisions for the coming weeks and months.” Yann Vincent, Executive Vice President manufacturing of Groupe PSA.

Since the start of the Covid-19 health crisis, Groupe PSA’s priority has been to protect the health of its employees and ensure the sustainability of the business. During the shutdown period of its production activities, Groupe PSA deployed a protocol of reinforced sanitary measures (1), adapted to the context of each industrial, commercial, administrative and R&D site. Built with the health services, this protocol has been widely shared with representative trade union organizations and has been subject to systematic audits. In addition, people called ‘Protocol Referents’ will be responsible for verifying the application of barrier measures and gestures on site, and implementing corrective actions if necessary.

The gradual and secured restart of production will take place in the coming weeks with a first wave of partial reopening of industrial activity between May 4 and 11 (from May 11 in France), taking into account the context commercial (deconfinement, reopening of dealers and commercial situation of each model).

(1) Measures implemented

• Use wherever possible of individual transport. For car sharing and public transport, provision of masks and predefined filling rule (staggered placement from the back of the bus).

• Temperature check at the entrance to the site, in addition to symptom self-monitoring.

• Individual supply of masks and hydro alcoholic gel.

• Wearing glasses and masks on site.

• Respect for a distance between people throughout the site, including rest areas, smoking areas with floor markings.

• Keep doors open (except fire doors) to avoid contact with the handles.

• Frequent cleaning of tools and work surfaces.

• Waiting time during any exchange of parts not prepared in Groupe PSA’s environment.

• Adjustment of rotations between teams’ shifts to avoid crossovers.

With this progressive and responsible approach, Groupe PSA acts without any compromise to protect its employees and customers, while ensuring the sustainability of the company.

Media contacts:

Valérie Gillot: +33 6 83 92 92 96 – valerie.gillot@mpsa.com

Karine Douet: +33 6 61 64 03 83 – karine.douet@mpsa.com

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