@FCA: FCA North America Plant Restart Schedule

Full-time FCA employees at work – week of June 1, 2020:

U.S.: 85% (28,310 of 33,350) 
Canada: 99% (7,785 of 7,890)
Mexico: 88% (12,050 of 13,700)
TOTAL: 88% (48,145 of 54,940)

Plant/Shift Pattern May 18 May 19 May 25 May 26 June 1 June 8 June 15
Jefferson North Assembly Plant (3-2-120) 1     2 3 crews    
Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (3-2-120) 1     2 3 crews    
Toledo Assembly Complex (2 shifts) 1       2    
Warren Truck Assembly Plant (2 shifts) 1       2    
Belvidere Assembly Plant (2 shifts)         1   2
Brampton Assembly Plant (2 shifts)   1 2        
Windsor Assembly Plant (3 shifts)   1   2 3    
Saltillo Truck Assembly Plant (3 shifts)     1   2 3  
Saltillo Van Assembly Plant (2 shifts)     1   2    
Toluca Assembly Plant (2 shifts)       1   2  

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