Borbet drops the mask – and terminates the collective agreement

Borbet in Solingen has the In-house collective agreement terminated with the IG Metall – “because of the by the Corona crisis emerged extremely difficult economic situation, “it says. Above all, the management wants to cut shift supplements. The workers would lose up to 1000 euros a month. The company is doing brilliantly. The net profit in 2018 was 69 million euros.

IG Metall calls for collective agreements for all Borbet locations

The employees and IG Metall cannot be offered that. In a first exploratory talk on Wednesday, IG Metall not only requested that the collective agreement in Solingen be received, but also Collective agreements for all Borbet locations nationwide. IG Metall wants a uniform solution. This includes recognition of regional Collective bargaining agreements the metal and electrical industry taking into account the local peculiarities as well as an adequate payment of the full account shift in all plants.

The employees of Borbet in Solingen accompanied the exploratory talk with a protest.

Next step: election of a nationwide tariff commission

“Borbet opened Pandora’s box,” says Marko Röhrig, managing director of IG Metall Remscheid-Solingen. “Our colleagues are ready for anything when it comes to defending collective agreements! For us as IG Metall it is clear that we are fully behind them. “

Next, IG Metall wants to choose a nationwide collective agreement with IG Metall members from all locations. The collective bargaining committee will meet regularly, elect a negotiating committee and decide on the further procedure in the collective bargaining round.

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