The cockpit revolution: A driving force behind the next-generation automotive experience

By Visteon Corporation

Cockpit trends and safety requirements are creating new challenges and opportunities for in-vehicle electronics. To address these trends, Visteon is driving the cockpit revolution through all-digital, integrated solutions that help automakers connect exterior sensing and the interior experience – taking safety and the user experience to the next level.

As the only automotive supplier exclusively focused on the development and deployment of cockpit electronics, Visteon will be showcasing our revolutionary cockpit products to address these challenges at CES® 2020 in Las Vegas.

The Evolution of the Automotive Cockpit

Not long ago, the automotive cockpit was a fragmented collection of proprietary systems, put together essentially as an afterthought. Recently, instrument clusters have evolved into a digital driver information domain that not only can display vehicle diagnostic and driver information, but also can integrate next-generation visual ADAS HMIs for real-time critical decision-making.

Changing Requirements, New Technologies

Simultaneously, there’s a relentless demand from consumers to have the same level of cloud connectivity experience and access to smartphone content on the fly. As a result, we continue to see the fast emergence and adaptation of cell phone projection technology within infotainment.

Penetration of digital technology in the cockpit and evolution of Moore’s Law has made domain integration possible. As a result, an integrated digital cockpit can now be realized. This will allow inter-domain communication as well as the addition of newer domains, such as informational ADAS, driver monitoring and use of artificial intelligence, to elevate the user experience.

New cockpit requirements have fundamentally altered automotive display products from poke-through displays to complex, curved multi-display dashboards. The emergence of new use cases, such as camera integration and next-generation graphics, continues to push automotive display performance demand.

Automaker Challenges

Development of in-vehicle displays is a challenging process, requiring automotive-centric development and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. Automotive displays must remain highly visible in ever-changing lighting conditions, tolerate harsh weather conditions and withstand the rigorous automotive life cycle. To address these performance requirements, automotive displays need to deliver contrast that is at least 10 times better than LCD displays, while also addressing the poor brightness and limited operating life typically associated with OLED displays. Power consumption and cost continue to pose additional challenges to display industrialization.

Visteon’s Solutions

At CES, Visteon will showcase a range of technology solutions designed to enhance safety and the driving experience by enabling the transformation of cockpits to all-digital environments. 

We continue to demonstrate our leadership in cockpit electronics products, and our A-sample ready demos will focus on four core areas:

To learn more, automakers and members of the media are welcome to explore our booth, located in Central Plaza, Pavilion 13. This is Visteon’s 21st year as an exhibitor, making it one of the longest-running show participants in the automotive industry.

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