Joint venture China-Emilia Romagna to create the electric car innovation hub


A billion investments coming from the largest auto manufacturer controlled by Jinping

by Ilaria Vesentini

Electric cars, how to manage charging in condominiums

A billion investments coming from the largest auto manufacturer controlled by Jinping

June 13, 2020

2 ‘of reading

Less than a month after the announcement, the commitment of the Chinese car giant Faw to create the first electric car pole outside the land of Mao in the Emilia Motor Valley becomes a formal letter of intent. On June 12 representatives of Silk EV – the start-up specialized in engineering and automotive design partner of the Chinese of Faw – and of the Emilia Romagna Region met virtually to define the agreements and the steps of the operation that will bring the automotive corporation controlled by Xi Jinping (the largest vehicle manufacturer in China, $ 90 billion in sales) to invest one billion euros in the region to create a real e-automotive hub.

The meeting did not lead, as was hoped, to identify the area in which the new car ecosystem of the future will arise (in pole position Modena and Bologna, it must be said that Volkswagen is Faw’s partner in China and in Emilia the group Wolfsburg is present with the Lamborghini and Ducati plants), but has laid the foundations for defining the details of the development of the operating platform on which the project will be carried out, which not only aims to strengthen economic and industrial development, but intends to configure itself as a real smart innovation hub of the automotive sector within the Motor valley, which has as its driver the themes of electricity, connectivity and digital.

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“This great project not only fits perfectly into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – underlines the President of the Emila Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini – to which we have adhered and in which we firmly believe, but also represents an important employment opportunity to be fully grasp also in light of the difficulties due to the Covid-19 health emergency, with a view to a regional and national systemic relaunch. And there is no doubt that our Motor valley can be the ideal place for such important investments with high added value in research and innovation “.

“This is a major international operation in the context of relations with China, which sees the Motor valley protagonist of a process of evolution and innovation in particular in the automotive sector, rewarding the investments in international skills and specializations made in recent years”, he adds Vincenzo Colla, Councilor for Economic Development, Green Economy, Labor and Training of the Region, recalling that the first hires are already scheduled for the autumn.

And Jonathan Krane, president and founder of Silk EV concludes: «I was favorably impressed by the proactivity of the Region and by the depth of their proposals. In the eyes of the world, the Motor valley represents a symbolic area for the production and development of technology in the automotive sector, with which we hope to establish long-term collaboration and build a solid platform. This is a development opportunity for Italian companies in the automotive sector at an international level and in the Chinese market: a bridge between Italy and China in the so-called Silk Road “.

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