@VW Group: Only at Volkswagen: visitors can help build the e-Golf(((e-Golf: power consumption, kWh/100 km: combined 14.1 (17-inch) – 13.2 (16-inch); CO₂ emissions combined, g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+.))) in the Transparent Factory in Dresden

As of today, visitors of Volkswagen’s Transparent Factory in Dresden have the opportunity to get even closer to the e-Golf during production. With the new Mach-Mit production experience, they can accompany the vehicles along the production line for a while. Under the expert guidance of Volkswagen employees, they can help out at up to five different stations – for example, when attaching the e-Golf logo. Further experience points include the connection of the powertrain and body (“marriage”), the installation of the tail lights on the tailgate and the fitting of the radiator and radiator grille front with the brand logo. It is planned to offer the experience package from 2021 on also for the ID.3, which will then be produced in Dresden.

Arnd Meyer-Clasen, Head of Sales: “The Transparent Factory is the showcase for Volkswagen’s electric mobility. With the e-Golf, we are producing Germany’s best-selling electric vehicle in 2020, and we are showing customers, visitors and guests what tomorrow’s mobility means for Volkswagen.

Jens Schlender, Head of Production: “Following the success of our production support for customers, we are now giving visitors the opportunity to experience electromobility up close and personal – and to put it to work themselves. This experience is something very special in the automotive world.”

The Mach-Mit production experience can be booked at www.glaesernemanufaktur.de and 0351 – 420 4411 and lasts around 2.5 hours.It takes place from Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. and from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of four visitors per group. The respective valid distance and hygiene rules apply. The wearing of a mouth and nose protection is obligatory. The all-inclusive price of 215 euros includes a guided tour of the production and exhibition area as well as a welcome drink. Bookers of the adventure package will receive a 10 percent discount on all items in the manufactory shop on this day.

The Transparent Factory has been offering e-Golf customers the opportunity to accompany the production of their own vehicle since early 2019. In addition to test drives, guided tours, vehicle handovers, charging facilities, events and the extensive exhibition area, the Mach-Mit production experience at the “Center of Future Mobility” is a further building block in making electric mobility accessible to a broad public.

2020: Key year for the Volkswagen brand’s e-offensive

This year, Volkswagen is setting out on the road to emission-free mobility for all. Deliveries of the first ID.3 1st models will start in September. The ID.3, the first vehicle of the new Modular Electric Drive Toolkit (MEB), has been rolling off the production line in Zwickau since November 2019, and production of the ID.4 will start there this year.

By 2022, the brand will offer MEB vehicles in all major vehicle segments. At least 1.5 million E-cars of the Volkswagen brand are to be sold per year by 2025. The long-term goal is the complete decarbonization of the fleet and the company by 2050, and the average CO2 emissions of the fleet are to be reduced by 25 grams per kilometer this year. The brand is confident that it will be able to comply with the EU limits applicable for 2020.

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