@VW Group: Strategic decisions strengthen Audi’s China business and model series management

This Thursday, the Supervisory Board of AUDI AG decided on further structural changes, thus strengthening the premium brand’s vehicle-project business. A newly created division will independently manage the model series with currently 65 models as well as the Premium Platform Electric (PPE) project house. Audi CEO Markus Duesmann, in his additional function as Board of Management Member for Development, will also head the new division, which is to be a client for Technical Development. The Supervisory Board has made another strategic decision: The Chairman of the Board of Management will assume direct responsibility for the China business in the future.

With a separate division and intensified interfaces in the Development division, Audi is structuring its model series organization more efficiently. In the future, the new division will be headed by the Board of Management Member for Development. “This realignment strengthens the vehicle-project business and the strategic importance of the model series. It will enable us to focus even more strongly on our products within the company,” said Audi CEO Markus Duesmann. Following the departure from AUDI AG of Board of Management Member for Development Hans-Joachim Rothenpieler, Markus Duesmann is assuming responsibility for this newly created Board of Management division. The model series organization, which was introduced in 2016 and is structured by vehicle model series, has central management responsibility for all Audi models. The separate Board of Management division is strengthening its role as a client for Technical Development.

The Supervisory Board made another strategic decision regarding Audi’s future direction this Thursday: The Chairman of the Board of Management is to be directly responsible for the company’s business in China. “The mobility of the future is developing rapidly in China. I am looking forward to the task of further expanding our presence in our largest market and actively shaping the transformation process in the Chinese automotive industry together with Audi China and our Chinese partners,” added Duesmann. Until now, the Board of Management member for Finance was responsible for Audi’s business in China. Especially in these times of transformation, the Finance division will focus even more strongly on financial management and on optimizing costs and profitability.

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