@Groupe PSA: 2020 Combined General Meeting of shareholders

Combined General Meeting of shareholders on June 25, 2020

The Annual General Meeting of Peugeot S.A. shareholders was held on Thursday, June 25, under the chairmanship of Louis Gallois, without the physical presence of the shareholders.

The shareholders adopted all of the proposed resolutions, especially:

  • Approval of the Company and consolidated financial statements for the 2019 financial year and the appropriation of 2019 net profit,
  • Ratification of the co-option of Zhang Zutong as a member of the Supervisory Board and renewal of the mandate of Catherine Bradley,
  • The 2019 compensation elements for the Chairman of the Managing Board and its members,
  • The compensation policies for fiscal year 2020, to the benefit of the Chairman of the Managing Board as well as the members of the Managing Board, the Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board were also adopted,
  • The resolutions related to the proposed combination with the FCA Group, namely the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth resolutions concerning the approval of related party agreements concluded with the three main shareholders, as well as the twentieth and twenty-sixth resolution were approved,
  • All the resolutions related to financial delegations to the Managing Board of the Company have also been approved,

In addition to the live broadcast of the General Meeting and the results of the votes, the recording is visible in “replay” on the Groupe PSA website:


Louis Gallois wishes to inform shareholders, on behalf of the Supervisory Board, that the Board meeting held after the Annual General Meeting has decided to reappoint Catherine Bradley as Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, for the term of her mandate.

Media contacts:

Karine Douet: +33 6 61 64 03 83 – karine.douet@mpsa.com

Valérie Gillot: +33 6 83 92 92 96 – valerie.gillot@mpsa.com

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