@VW Group: Volkswagen Group Security supports WEISSER RING

Volkswagen Group Security is providing two Passat Variant GTE vehicles to assist the charitable association in its work supporting victims of crime. Volkswagen is also lending the organization a Volkswagen T6 and the historic Volkswagen T2 for a nationwide information tour of Germany.

Michael Schmidt, Chief Security Officer of Volkswagen Group, handed over the keys of the two Passat Variant GTE cars to Jörg Ziercke, Chairman of WEISSER RING. “Volkswagen Group Security has direct contacts with the national and state police forces and is the point of contact for all security services in connection with the topic of security at Volkswagen,” says Michael Schmidt. “WEISSER RING helps people ranging from those who have suffered theft by a pickpocket to victims of violent crime. We want to support this social commitment.”

Mobility assists victims support

WEISSER RING is Germany’s largest support organization for crime victims. Almost 3,000 volunteers are available to help people in branches and regional offices as well as on the victims’ helpline and with online advice. “Mobility is a basic prerequisite for providing fast, unbureaucratic help to crime victims. These cars will especially make prevention work easier throughout the country,” explains Ziercke. In addition to information events and regional conventions, the two Passat Variant GTE cars are to be used for attendance at courts, appointments with authorities and for over 100 initial and advanced training seminars for volunteers.

Information tour with Volkswagen buses

Furthermore, Volkswagen Group Security is lending WEISSER RING a Volkswagen T6 and a historic Volkswagen T2 for the association’s nationwide roadshow in Germany. This year, the tour had to be postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. However, Michael Schmidt emphasized that Volkswagen would keep its promise and would provide the two vehicles at the beginning of the roadshow. Jörg Ziercke now hopes to tour Germany in 2021 to inform people about victim support work. “Then we will be using the two Volkswagen buses. We are very grateful for the support we are receiving from Volkswagen.”

People in need of assistance and others who are interested will find information on WEISSER RING at:

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