IG Metall: There must be no “corona generation”

IG Metall demands that companies take on their responsibility even during the crisis and train them further. Christiane Benner, second chairwoman of IG Metall, explains: “For the professional future of young people, more needs to be done now to avoid dramatic long-term consequences such as high youth unemployment or increased social inequality. There must be no ‘generation corona’ among trainees and dual students. “

A recent IG Metall survey of almost 500 companies shows that every tenth company in the organizational area of ​​IG Metall (11%) wants to train less. In May this figure was 7.3%, the effects of the corona crisis are becoming increasingly clear. The number of planned reductions is lower for dual students (6.1%), but an increase can also be observed here, in May the number was still around 5%.

The reduction in training places is also of great importance in terms of its social impact. When training is cut back, this often affects primary and secondary school leavers in particular. This would increase social inequalities. Given the technological change that requires more and more specialized workers, a challenge for society as a whole.

The consequences of the Corona crisis also affect young academics, of whom 50,000 are organized at IG Metall. Seven percent of vacation workers or working students have already been dismissed. New hires were even taken back in almost a third (30%) of the companies. Christiane Benner: “Professional practice and a possible path to an employment or training relationship are eliminated. And students who finance their studies with a vacation job during the lecture-free period are now left empty-handed. ”

In addition to employers, IG Metall’s second chairwoman is also calling on politicians to make greater efforts for the young generation: “The federal program” Promoting apprenticeships “adopted at the end of June makes sense, but must not be limited to small and medium-sized companies.”

further information and press photos from Christiane Benner

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