@VW Group: €3.75 bn debut syndicated revolving credit facility signed by TRATON SE

TRATON SE has signed its inaugural syndicated revolving credit facility in a total amount of €3.75 bn. The facility has a maturity of 3 years and can be extended twice for one year each (“3+1+1” years). The facility amount is provided by a consortium of 21 banks, thereby defining TRATON GROUP’s core relationship banks. The facility can be drawn in different currencies and serves for general corporate purposes and liquidity back-up to the Group, providing TRATON with additional financial flexibility at favorable terms.

In order to underline TRATON’s commitment to sustainability matters and to further set financial incentives for sustainable business performance, an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and sustainability link has been embedded in the credit facility.

The debut syndicated revolving credit facility marks an important step to back TRATON’s recently published Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and Moody’s ratings.

Christian Schulz, CFO of TRATON SE: “Despite ongoing volatile markets and the persistent COVID-19 situation, we have for the first time successfully secured and prolonged liquidity for the TRATON GROUP in a syndicated format. Furthermore it reflects that we have trusted and strong banking partners on board; achieving this important step underlines the trust of our banking partners in our outlined strategy.”

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