ACI: positive balance also in August for the used car market, the number of cars in circulation still growing

ACI: positive balance also in August for the used car market, the number of cars in circulation still growing


The positive trend of the second-hand market was confirmed in August. The effect of the incentives for the purchase of new vehicles did not slow down the transfer of ownership, which, net of mini-transfers (temporary transfers in the name of the dealer pending resale to the end customer), in the four-wheeler sector, closed the balance sheet for August with a growth of 4% compared to the same month of 2019. Also in August the second-hand car market has largely outclassed that of the new one, with 198 units being owned for every 100 new cars sold (190 in the first eight months of the year).

As regards the first registrations, still in negative territory despite the strong recovery favored by the incentives in force since 1 August, the very positive performances of electric and hybrid vehicles (+ 224% electric cars) + 306% for gasoline hybrids and + 103% for diesel hybrids), which reach increasingly significant shares of the total number of new cars sold: almost 2% electric, about 12% gasoline hybrids and 1, 3% diesel hybrids. Similar speech also for the second-hand market, where, however, these are still numbers with an impact on the total lower than or equal to unity.

Good results also for the two-wheeler sector, which in August consolidated the successes recorded in June and July, with a positive monthly variation of 38.8% in first registrations and 19.9% ​​in net changes of ownership.

In the period January-August 2020 there were overall decreases of 22.2% for cars, 8.8% for motorcycles and 19.4% for all vehicles.

Finally, the Italian car fleet is still increasing. In fact, in August, car radiations suffered a 0.5% decrease compared to the same month in 2019 (generated in particular by an 11.4% decrease in export radiation, while demolitions were up by 3%. , 8%), bringing the monthly unit replacement rate to 0.88 (88 of every 100 cars registered) and to 0.87 that recorded in the first eight months of the year. A plus sign, on the contrary, for the radiation from motorcycles, which closed the month of August up by 1.8%.

In the period January-August 2020, the radiation filed decreases of 29.1% for cars, 25.6% for motorcycles and 28.8% for all vehicles.

All market data are reported in the latest monthly bulletin “Auto-Trend”, the statistical analysis carried out by the Automobile Club of Italy on the PRA data, available on the website

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