@Groupe PSA: PR Back to school: Fondation PSA supports the creation of the first “electric vehicle repair” training program at the “Ecole de Production” ECAUT in Haut…000210

Trainning of young people in the tomorrow’s auto repair jobs
A first cohort of 12 students for a professional baccalaureate with electrical accreditation
ECAUT, a school in a rural area dedicated to the automobile
“The economic crisis linked to Covid-19 is affecting young people very hard. Backed by an exceptional donation from the top management of Groupe PSA, Fondation PSA has decided to support youth. As a supporting partner of National Federation of the Ecoles de production, we have chosen to develop specific training programme in the repair of electric and hybrid vehicles. This training will provide young people in Haute Savoie with an additional asset to enter the labour market. » said Karine Hillaireau, General Delegate of Fondation PSA.
“After helping our students to obtain a driving license and also purchasing vehicles to promote their collective mobility, Fondation PSA gives another dynamic impetus to its partnership with the Ecoles de Production. For our network of schools, this new dimension given to the partnership with Fondation PSA is the perfect answer to unmet recruitment needs in our regions,” underlines Dominique Hiesse, President of the National Federation of the Ecoles de Production.
“ECAUT is the only school in the area that offers this training at professional bacccalaureate level. For several months, we had been preparing this project and the significant funding that it represented remained a major obstacle. The contribution of Fondation PSA was decisive. We are happy to start the new school year with a first class of 12 young people who will be operational for electric vehicles. “, underlines Thierry Meynet, Director of the ECAUT production school.
This project entitled “Train young people in the tomorrow’s car repair jobs ” allows a new class of students to join the ECAUT Ecole de Production of Viuz-en-Sallaz (74) to welcome a new class of students on a cycle of 2 school years 2020-2022. Thanks to the financial support of Fondation PSA, the students in this class will benefit from specific training to obtain their “electrical accreditation”. In addition, Fondation PSA puts plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles at their disposal for training.

Media Contacts

– Laurence Bussac +33 6 32 24 04 86 – fondation@mpsa.com – psa-presse@mpsa.com

– François Fritsch – +33 6 64 93 18 42 – ffritsch@ecoles-de-production.com

–  Thierry Meynet – +33 4 50 36 99 95 – tmeynet@ecaut.com

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