Scania halves carbon emissions at operations in Asia and Oceania

SÖDERTÄLJE, Sweden, Nov. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Scania – as the first heavy vehicles manufacturer – has made a unwavering commitment to adhere to the Science Based Target initiative with the aim of reaching a 50-percent worldwide carbon emission reduction in its operations by 2025 and a 20-percent reduction of emissions when its products are in use, with 2015 as the baseline year.

“The fact that we’re seeing significant progress all over the world and have already reached that target in our own operations in the Asian and Oceanian countries is a clear manifestation that we are determined to reach the target,” says Andreas Follér, Head of Sustainability at Scania. “Each factory, workshop and sales office around the world is presently addressing potential energy savings and the prospects for switching to renewable electricity.”

In Asia, Scania’s local assembly plants have already converted to fossil-free electricity as have all of Scania’s major production plants around the world. The focus is now on ensuring that all other operations throughout the world associated with administering, selling, maintaining and repairing Scania trucks and buses radically reduce their carbon footprint.

The programme to decarbonise Scania’s operations in Asia and Oceania started by comprehensively analysing energy usage among its many distributors, dealers and workshops. This formed the basis for investments in new technology to reduce energy consumption – everything from switching to LED lights in offices and workshops and fixing leaking air compressors to more far-reaching steps such as replacing energy-gulping air conditioning with more energy-efficient systems and some small-scale solar panel installations.

“We believe there are plenty of energy savings measures in the region still to be captured in behavioural changes and relatively inexpensive technology investments,” says Klas Nilsson, Regional Purchasing Manager for Commercial Operations in Asia and Oceania. “We hope that we can offset business growth here in Asia with energy-saving measures to ensure that our energy usage remains stable at the present level despite business growth.”

However, the targeted carbon reduction cannot be reached without an extensive shift to fossil-free electricity sources. Scania will in Asia and Oceania, whenever possible, utilise locally-available renewable energy, including solar, wind and hydro power. In Australia, for example, Scania will be able to power the vast majority of its operations with locally produced fossil-free electricity already from January 2021. 

If renewable electricity is unavailable directly from the national electricity companies, Scania will purchase renewable energy certificates according to the International Renewable Electricity Standard (I-REC) as recognised by the Science Based Target initiative. Scania has a clear policy for acceptable renewable electricity sourcing, which also requires that the renewable energy purchased is produced locally in the market where the energy is used.

In those countries where renewable energy is unavailable, Scania will intensify energy-saving initiatives, such as equipping workshops with solar panels. “As soon as renewable electricity becomes available, we hope we that we expand also to these remaining countries,” says Nilsson.

For further information, please contact:

Andreas Follér, Head of Sustainability
Tel: +46 70 726 72 32
E-mail: [email protected]

Karin Hallstan, Head of Corporate Communication & PR
Tel: +46 76 842 81 04
E-mail: [email protected]

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