Atlis Motor Vehicles Forms Two Strategic Partnerships To Manufacture Electric Vehicle Battery Cells And Packs

MESA, Ariz., Feb. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Atlis Motor Vehicles (ATLIS), a start-up mobility technology company, announced today the signing of two memorandums of understanding to develop an electric vehicle battery cell production line and a battery pack production line at its headquarters, in Mesa, Arizona.

South Korea-based Media Tech Co., Ltd. (Media Tech) will be ATLIS’s sole supplier for the design, development, manufacturing, installation, and calibration of all machinery comprising the electrode, assembly, and formation lines required for ATLIS to create a limited-run prototype battery cell production line.

Malaysia-based Greatech will serve as ATLIS’s strategic partner for comprehensive battery pack production. Greatech will supply all parts, equipment, and machinery required to form ATLIS’s limited-run prototype battery pack assembly line.

ATLIS is developing a fully electric vehicle platform, proprietary battery cells and packs, and the necessary charging infrastructure to recharge a 500-mile range battery in less than 15 minutes. Media Tech and Greatech have the capacity and experience needed to design, develop, manufacture, install, and calibrate the necessary equipment for electric vehicle battery cell and pack production.

“We have successfully designed, developed, and tested prototype battery cells and packs that meet all necessary specifications,” said ATLIS CEO Mark Hanchett. “This next step is to move to small-scale production at our Arizona facilities. Media Tech has 20 years of intensive research, production experience, and its ability to quickly scale production to meet capacity needs, and Greatech is one of the world’s leading automation solution providers with extensive experience in battery pack production. Both companies are a perfect fit with our business strategy and timeline.” 

If both prototype lines meet ATLIS’s performance and quality expectations, the two companies will explore the development of high-volume lines designed to produce millions of cells and hundreds of packs per month.

Atlis Motor Vehicles is an exciting new company that Greatech is happy to be partnered with for Battery Manufacturing,” said Greatech CEO EK Tan. “Greatech is pleased to work with Mark and his team at Atlis Motors to help them bring their new battery technology to market.”

About ATLIS Motor Vehicles
ATLIS is a mobility technology company developing products that will power work. The ATLIS innovators are building an electric vehicle technology platform for heavy and light duty work trucks used in the agriculture, service, utility, and construction industries. To meet the towing and payload capabilities of legacy diesel-powered vehicles, ATLIS is developing proprietary battery technology and a modular system architecture capable of scaling to meet the specific needs of the all-electric vehicle. For more information visit

About Media Tech, Co. Ltd.
Media Tech is an equipment manufacturer for battery manufacturing with over 30 years of experience. It covers lab-scale to production-scale pouch, cylindrical, and prismatic battery manufacturing equipment and has developed custom equipment for leading startups using pure lithium anodes to leading automotive OEMs planning to adopt solid state batteries. Media Tech based in Korea has customers across the globe. Media Tech makes it custom equipment at its two facilities equipped with dry rooms to be able to work with our customer’s special material and requirements. It also provides consultative support during our customer’s capital projects in terms of utility and factory layout planning utilizing its US and Europe based agents and consultants. 

About Greatech
Greatech Technology Berhad is a Penang, Malaysia based leading factory-automation systems provider and system integrator with a new US factory opening in Metro Detroit in February 2021. Greatech offers its customers a single-source comprehensive solution from conceptualization, engineering development, prototyping, system integration to installation and commissioning. With over 20 years of continuous experience and innovation, Greatech seek to be the market leader in factory automation by delivering cutting edge automation solutions to all our customers. For more information visit

SOURCE Atlis Motor Vehicles

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