@Toyota: Toyota Supports Search for Innovation with Drivers of Change

As a forward thinking, innovative mobility company, Toyota is continuing its sponsorship of the Drivers of Change Award, entries for which opened on Monday.   The programme, run in conjunction with Autocar magazine and executive search specialists Ennis & Co, is designed to highlight the exciting employment opportunities available within a transitioning motor industry and seek out new ideas.

The award seeks to identify the best talent in three mobility categories: technology, digital and retail.  No prior experience of the automotive industry is required; participants just need to be over 18 years of age. The key is to have an idea that could challenge the status quo as the industry adapts to embrace electrification, autonomy and digitalisation.  The winner in each category will receive £5,000 and the opportunity to network with sponsors with a view to bringing their idea to market. The winners will be announced at the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) Annual Dinner in November.

Steve Cropley, Autocar’s editor-in-chief, said: “As we’ve seen in the last year, rapid change is here to stay. With the automotive industry transforming so quickly and in so many exciting ways, there has never been a better time for fresh talent with new ideas and different ways of working to break through and make a difference.

“Applicants might be coming out of university or they might be a couple of roles into their careers; there’s no upper age limit, just a desire to hear from anyone who has an ability to look at problems from fresh angles and create opportunities from them.”

Paula Cooper, Toyota (GB) ConsumerOne Director, said: “By supporting these awards we recognise the value they can deliver to our business in two key areas – innovation and people – critical components as we transition to being a mobility company.”

“The ideas produced by last year’s entrants highlighted just how important it is to continue promoting this competition at a time when our industry is changing rapidly, creating awareness of the exciting new challenges and opportunities for all of us.”

Ennis & Co founder Lynda Ennis said: “We believe that an inclusive industry is a benefit to all during this pivotal time for automotive. For this reason, a key focus of the Drivers of Change competition is to attract talented and innovative individuals of all ages, from all backgrounds, all walks of life and all industries to the automotive sector.“

Participants (aged 18 or over) are invited to submit a short written piece on why they should win, together with a creative video. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to take part in an online assessment with a judging panel comprising leading industry figures from design, digital and retail. Three finalists from each category will be invited to attend the SMMT Annual Dinner in November 2021, where the winners will be announced.

To find out more and to register, visit: www.autocar.co.uk/driversofchange.


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