The Michelin Group is organizing an online Capital Markets Day on April 8, 2021

During the all-digital event, the Michelin Group will present its vision for 2030, its new strategic plan and its objectives for 2023 during an online plenary session.

On Wednesday, April 7, at 2 p.m. CET, the Group will open access to content addressing six key themes that illustrate its long-term strategic vision:

  • Michelin’s environmental leadership: focus on the Automotive segment.
  • Digital manufacturing: a major source of leverage for industrial competitiveness.
  • Services and Solutions: understanding customer needs and how our products are used enables us to develop and offer high value-added solutions.
  • High-tech materials: leveraging our materials R&D expertise to develop new sources of growth.
  • Metal 3D printing: a unique offer in a very high-potential market
  • Hydrogen: becoming a global player in hydrogen mobility with Symbio

This content will be available on the website.

On Thursday, April 8, the Managers of the Group and the other Executive Committee members* will present Michelin’s strategic vision during an online plenary meeting:

  • Michelin: our unique, sustainable identity
    (Adeline Challon-Kemoun, Jean-Claude Pats)
  • 2016-2020 Achievements: successes, challenges and takeaways
    (Florent Menegaux, Yves Chapot)
  • The New Post-Covid Mobility World in Tires: aligned with Upcoming Trends
    (Scott Clark, Bénédicte de Bonnechose, Serge Lafon and Jean-Christophe Guérin)
  • Leveraging our Innovation Capabilities to Deliver New Growth Avenues
    (Sonia Artinian-Fredou, Lorraine Frega, Eric Philippe Vinesse)
  • 2030 Vision 2023 financial Targets: combining ambitious growth targets, ESG leadership and value creation
    (Florent Menegaux, Yves Chapot)

All of the Capital Markets Day presentations will be posted on the Group’s website ( as they are being discussed.

*Members of the Michelin Group Executive Committee include:

Florent Menegaux Chief Executive Officer
Yves Chapot General Manager and Chief Financial Officer
Sonia Artinian-Fredou Executive Vice President, High Tech Materials
Bénédicte de Bonnechose Executive Vice President, Long-Distance and Urban Transportation, Europe Regions
Adeline Challon-Kemoun Executive Vice President, Engagement and Brands
Scott Clark Executive Vice President, Automotive, Motorsport, Experiences, and Americas Regions
Lorraine Frega Executive Vice President – Distribution, Services & Solutions, Strategy, Innovation & Partnerships
Jean-Christophe Guérin Executive Vice President, Manufacturing
Serge Lafon Executive Vice President, Specialties and Africa/India/Middle East, China, East Asia & Australia Regions
Jean-Claude Pats Executive Vice President & Chief HR Officer
Eric Philippe Vinesse Executive Vice President, Research & Development

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