Universities Space Research Association Members Elect UTEP to the Association

COLUMBIA, Md., May 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), a top-tier doctoral research university located in one of the largest binational communities in the world, has joined the ranks of Universities Space Research Association (USRA), bringing the membership of the Association to a total of 114 universities. UTEP was elected by USRA’s current university members and was formally included in the Association on May 17, 2021.

The eligibility criteria for USRA membership includes demonstrated significant contributions in space or aerospace research fields by faculty, and a substantial commitment to a course of studies and dissertation research leading to the doctorate in one or more related fields. Members participate in the governance of USRA through the election of members to the USRA Board of Trustees and establishment of the Association’s bylaws.

Dr. Jeffrey A. Isaacson, USRA’s President and CEO, said, “We are very pleased to welcome UTEP as a member. Its expertise broadens our collective strength in space-related science and technology, worldwide. We look forward to UTEP’s active engagement with, and contributions to, our Association.”

The University of Texas at El Paso is one of the largest and most successful Hispanic serving institutions in the country, with a student body that is over 80  percent Hispanic. It enrolls nearly 25,000 students in 166 bachelors’, masters’ and doctoral programs in 10 colleges and schools. UTEP is ranked in the top five percent of research institutions nationally and fifth in Texas for federal research expenditures at public universities. It houses the NASA MIRO Center for Space Exploration and Technology Research, which conducts research using computational modelling of heat flow, fluid flow and structural analysis to create test hardware and experimental facilities in Space Propulsion, Small Satellite Design and Combustion in the Energy Sector. The Center aims at establishing a minority university Center of Excellence in Advanced Propulsion research through strategic partnerships and to educate a diverse future aerospace workforce.

Founded in 1969, under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences at the request of the U.S. Government, the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is a nonprofit corporation chartered to advance space-related science, technology and engineering.  USRA operates scientific institutes and facilities, and conducts other major research and educational programs, under Federal funding.  USRA engages the university community and employs in-house scientific leadership, innovative research and development, and project management expertise. More information about USRA is available at www.usra.edu

PR Contact:

Suraiya Farukhi, Ph.D.

[email protected]; 443-812-6945

SOURCE Universities Space Research Association

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