Ten CEOs join Movin’On governance and come together to accelerate co-innovation and concrete solutions for sustainable mobility

MONTREAL, June 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On the occasion of the opening of the World Summit for Sustainable Mobility on June 1st, 2021, Movin’On announces setting up a shared governance, created to amplify and accelerate its action on a global scale.

Movin’On is convinced that no single actor will be able to meet alone the immense societal challenges of mobility, such as congestion and pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, the scarcity of resources, the financing of new transport infrastructures and access to mobility for all.

This is why Movin’On has decided to extend its governance to 10 major global companies, each a leader in its own market, who share the conviction that mobility is at the heart of development and human progress.

Around Florent Menegaux, President of Movin’On and CEO of Michelin, 9 companies’ leaders have joined forces:

Omar Abbosh, CEO Microsoft Services
Oscar de Bok, CEO DHL Supply Chain
Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, CEO BNP Paribas
Xavier Huillard, CEO VINCI
Ilham Kadri,  CEO Solvay
Patrick Koller, CEO Faurecia
Luca de Meo, CEO Renault
Rodolphe Saadé, Chairman and CEO CMA CGM
Julie Sweet, CEO Accenture

This new shared governance will set Movin’On’s strategic directions, facilitate co-innovation and experimentation of new solutions, as well as the establishment of new partnerships.

Florent Menegaux, President of Movin’On and CEO of Michelin, said : “I am very pleased today to announce the shared governance of Movin’On: it brings together companies as well as personalities who are convinced, as I myself am, that mobility is a factor of progress. We will work together to make it sustainable and inclusive. This new governance is a major step in the development of Movin’On”

The ten leaders meet today for the opening of Movin’On Summit (2 pm CET – 8 am EST) to share their collective commitment with all participants.

Movin’On Summit will be held in a phygital format this year, from June 1 to June 4, 2021. Three studios will broadcast from Paris, Montreal and Singapore almost 50 hours of live conferences, panels and working sessions. https://summit.movinonconnect.com

Founded by Michelin in 2017, Movin’On brings together more than 300 organizations, public and private, coming from 60 countries (large companies, startups, cities, countries, international organizations, academics and civil society…). Movin’On members are working together to anticipate markets and future demand, to build shared development scenarios and to facilitate the development of solutions for a more sustainable, more accessible mobility with less environmental impact

About Movin’OnMovin’On is the world’s leading co-innovation ecosystem committed to sustainable mobility. It brings together more than 300 public, private, collective, and individual players: corporates, cities, countries, academics, international organizations, civil society. Independent and not for profit, Movin’On provides concrete solutions and innovations. This is done largely through its think-and-do tank Movin’On Lab and Communities of Interest. Every year, the Movin’On community organises physical and digital events to drive projects forward in tangible ways. Learn more at www.movinonconnect.com/en


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