Nextel 312 Ceramic Fibers and Textiles from 3M No Longer Subject to Export License Requirements

ST. PAUL, Minn., June 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — 3M, a leader in technical high-temperature, continuous aluminum oxide fibers, has announced that 3M Nextel 312 ceramic fibers and textiles have been released from export license requirements under the U.S. Commerce Control List (CCL), export control classification number (ECCN) 1C010.c.

A final rule published March 29, 2021 by the U.S. Department of Commerce removes export license requirements for Nextel 312 products, including Nextel 312 fibers, rovings, yarns, sewing threads, tapes, sleevings, and fabrics.

Nextel 312 products can perform at higher operating temperatures compared to other high-temperature textile materials such as aramids, quartz or glass. Tested to withstand continuous use temperatures of up to 2192°F (1200°C), the Nextel 312 products are now available globally, reducing previous barriers that slowed down global customer adoption.

3M has also added capacity for all Nextel fiber grades over the past couple of years to better respond to the needs of existing customers and serve new customers in various industries and applications around the globe.

About 3M™ Nextel™ Products
Nextel Ceramic Fibers and Textiles from 3M are high-performance, high-temperature materials made of continuous aluminum oxide fibers. These versatile materials meet the most demanding thermal, mechanical and electrical performance requirements of many industrial, petrochemical, aerospace and defense and electronics applications.

Nextel Ceramic Fibers 312 from 3M are part of a full portfolio of Nextel continuous fibers and textiles.  Nextel Ceramic Fibers 440, 610 and 720 from 3M remain export controlled. Please check ECCN 1C010.c and 1E001 for the latest information. 3M and Nextel are trademarks of 3M Company

The information described herein pertains only to a change in export control classification of Nextel 312 Ceramic Fibers and Textiles from 3M under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce.  Other applicable trade compliance laws and regulations, including U.S. economic sanctions and trade embargoes, remain unchanged.  In addition, this press release is intended for general informational purposes only, and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice on the applicability of export controls or other trade compliance laws and regulations to third party transactions involving 3M products.  Please consult with legal counsel on any specific legal questions you may have. 


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