@VW Group: Living and breathing transformation: Audi employees talk about how they are committed to progress003238

From vehicle manufacturer to mobility service provider: Audi is currently undergoing the biggest transformation in the company’s history. The focus here is on digitalization, sustainability and electric mobility. But it is not just about technology – but also about mindset and attitude. At audi.com/careers Audi employees now talk about how they are experiencing and shaping change and progress within the company.

For the brand with the four rings, one central belief holds true: Transformation cannot be imposed – it can only be successful if all employees contribute their talents. This requires the will to change, but at the same time also requires a corporate culture that makes this change possible, that encourages individuality, allows mistakes and redefines responsibility. This is why some employees representing the various departments describe how they are actively supporting the change, how they experience progress and how they envision the mobility of the future. Four examples from different areas:

“We mustn’t lose sight of the people and their needs”

Wenting Xing works with machine learning. She expects digitalization and artificial intelligence to influence the entire value chain in the future, but also says: “We mustn’t lose sight of the people and their needs. Technically sophisticated products still need to be likable and offer added value that can be noticed immediately. This involves the physical and mental health of the people, for example, but also sustainable processes and the sustainable use of resources.”

Shared values lay the foundation

International experience in Latin America and Asia has defined the perspective of automotive mechatronics technician Heinrich Kampa. Regardless of location, we always share the same values and mindset. “I have seen time and again during my assignments abroad that these shared values are not just words on paper, but are lived out in practice. I have worked in ramp-up support for every model change in Changchun since 2004, as well as twice in San Jose Chiapa for the ramp-up of the Audi Q5. The way we work with our Chinese and Mexican colleagues is outstanding. Even after work, we often do something together and you get to know the culture and people better. What better way is there to express community?” Kampa says, describing his impressions.

Progress through people

For Dennis Vogel from Quality Assurance, it is above all the people and their passion for Audi that make the difference and ultimately enable progress. His daily work routine is defined by his pronounced willingness to constantly learn and to develop together as a team. “What counts with us is not just who you are, but also who you can be,” he says, summing up this perspective.

Achieve effective results for people and the environment

Specialist coordinator Dr. Johanna Klewitz views the mobility of the future primarily from the perspective of sustainability. The aim must be to use sustainability as an opportunity for future-proof mobility. Her credo: “We think more deeply about sustainability, along the entire value chain. To do this, we have to look for the most sensible solution instead of the quickest. We will not give up until we have achieved a positive result for people and the environment. “

New employer brand identity “We are progress”

These and other voices are embedded in the new Audi employer brand identity “We are progress.” It portrays people who are representative of the new direction, who are role models and thus committed to progress. The brand identity is aimed at both potential applicants and employees and is intended to support them during the transformation as well as provide inspiration for change.

For further information, please visit audi.com/careers.

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