@VW Group: Green Technology: Environmental Projects Are Picking up Pace at Audi003274

What is Audi doing to protect the environment? This question was the focus of TechTalk: Green Technology, at which Audi presented some complex and innovative technology topics on June 9 and 10, marking the kickoff of the GREENTECH FESTIVAL corporate event on June 17 and 18.

Audi is involved in protecting the environment in many ways – be it with intelligent supply chain monitoring, the elimination of micro- and macroplastic, or optimized resource efficiency. As different as the projects presented at TechTalk: Green Technology may be, they have one thing in common: they stand for further steps toward net-zero carbon neutrality.

“In last year’s TechTalk, we saw what Audi is doing to make the carbon footprint of its cars as small as possible,” recalls Franziska Queling, spokesperson for international Audi sites and host of TechTalk: Green Technology. “This year,” she emphasizes, “we are talking about environmental projects at Audi that think and go a step further to ensure that our future remains livable. One thing is for sure: protecting the environment is more than just reducing carbon emissions.”

And because protecting the environment is very important to Audi, the brand with the four rings is once again the founding partner of this year’s GREENTECH FESTIVAL, which takes place from June 16 to 18. The festival is being held as a hybrid event both live on site at Kraftwerk Berlin and digitally on visitors’ computers, laptops, and smartphones. The company will be demonstrating environmental initiatives and projects through keynotes, panel discussions, boot camps, and deep dives to show that its products, processes, and materials are all about combating climate change and promoting sustainability with the help of digitization.

One of the things Audi will be presenting is an architectural model of an Audi factory that shows an example of how the production sites can be operated with net-zero emissions by 2025. Audi Denkwerkstatt will be presenting the ecomove app, which is supposed to motivate users to reduce their own carbon footprint. And the Audi Environmental Foundation will be presenting an innovative microplastic filter for urban water management and two cleanup initiatives, including with the cosmetics manufacturer BABOR and the green start-up everwave. Oliver Hoffmann, Member of the Board of Management for Technical Development at Audi, will be giving a keynote address on the topic of “Holistically Green: Talking and Walking Green in Life As in Business” on June 17 at 4 p.m. In the innovative deep dive (June 17, 4 p.m.), Henrik Wenders, Head of Audi Brand, will also discuss topics such as brands, personnel management, and corporate culture with representatives from Henkel, the Norsk Gjenvinning Group, the WALA Foundation, and host Tanja Kufner.

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