Dacia, the logo of the Romanian brand changes

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Dacia opens a new chapter in its history, as it announced at the beginning of the year with the presentation of its strategic plan: a new chapter that today manifests itself with the evolution of the brand’s image, totally revised: logo, emblem and colors, all new, but without denying its origins.

How the graphics are changing The renewal of Dacia starts with the graphics, consisting of the new logo and the brand-new emblem, symbols of a more assertive brand. Both elements have been revisited by the internal design team, with the desire to express the essentiality of the brand, a fundamental value of Dacia from the beginning. The whole graphic world is deliberately minimalist and authentic, as a reminder that Dacia is a brand that focuses on the essential. The various elements that compose it give coherence to the whole, allowing, at the same time, the creation of enriched digital content. In line with the general spirit of the Romanian brand, this graphics system is both robust and flexible. For example, the role of the arrow generated by the D of the logo is to induce us to look at the essential and instill movement in a brand that is definitely geared towards the future.

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Dacia changes color It also changes the color palette, which fade to khaki green recalling the proximity of nature. The range is completed by secondary shades: more earthy (dark khaki, terracotta and sand) while two others (an orange and a bright green) complete the range and give it a more technical touch. The spirit of the brand is also embodied in the new iconographic approach, which conveys the need for freedom, to regenerate and to return to the essential. Starting from June, the new Dacia identity will spread through the various communication channels: website, advertising, brochures. As for the vehicles, they will adopt the new logo and emblem from the second half of 2022.

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