World NM: (News Focus) Hyundai fuels hydrogen for zero-emission trucks001339

Hyundai Motor Group is on its way toward an all-electric future by adopting a two-track strategy to deliver batteries for both electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, hoping to expand its presence in the growing eco-friendly car market.
Since July 2020, the automaker has shipped 46 Xcient trucks to Switzerland and is set to deliver 140 more this year as part of a plan to export around 1,600 units to Europe by 2025.
At home, Hyundai plans to deliver 5 Xcient trucks to local shipping companies, including CJ Logistics, Hyundai Glovis and Coupang, a major e-commerce operator with its own logistics network, later this year as part of a test program jointly launched with the ministries of environment, industry and transport.

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