Preliminary figures for the second quarter 2021

Publication of inside information in accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014
GRAMMER AG (WKN 589540, ISIN DE0005895403)

Preliminary figures for the second quarter 2021

Ursensollen, July 14, 2021 – On the basis of its preliminary figures, GRAMMER AG expects Group revenue of around 469 million euros for the second quarter of 2021, significantly above the previous year’s figure (2020: 280.9 million euros). The slight decline in revenue compared with the first quarter of 2021 is primarily due to the significant reductions in certain customer call-offs resulting from the limited availability of semiconductor components in the AMERICAS.

In addition, earnings in the second quarter were negatively impacted in particular by one-time exceptional effects from the sale of a subsidiary in EMEA. This was a measure under the program initiated in the previous year to improve the cost structure and to strengthen competitiveness on a sustained basis.

Accordingly, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are expected to come to around 5 million euros (2020: -50.9 million euros). Adjusted for exceptional effects, operating earnings before interest and taxes (operating EBIT) should reach around 11 million euros in the second quarter (2020: -46.1 million euros). 

GRAMMER will be publishing its full half-year figures and the report on the first half of 2021 as planned on August 12, 2021.

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