From start-up of the Politecnico to protagonist for recharging electric cars: Nhoa promises 35 thousand columns in 10 years

A first international fast charging network for electric vehicles in Europe. This is the proposal that was launched by Carlalberto Guglielminotti (CEO of NHOA, the former Engie Eps born at the Polytechnic of Turin and which today has new resources and new management with the entry of the Asian TCC) together with Roberto Di Stefano (CEO of Free2Move eSolutions).

An Atlas to move throughout Southern Europe

The project is called “Atlante” and will also involve Spain, France and Portugal as well as Italy (“where the penetration of electric vehicles is still particularly low”, says Di Stefano), but which should “grow 36 times by 2030”. The columns, in the 4 countries, will be 35 thousand in all. Many of them in Italy and located along highways and roads with heavy traffic. “We aim to occupy 15% of market shares”, says Guglielminotti. “The real need in the world of electric mobility is to have many fast and recharging points – underlines Guglielminotti – and we have a very ambitious plan, which we want to achieve a lot quickly: an adequate capillary network is needed “.

A sector in which competition is not intense for now. “The competition? For now it is not enough – says the CEO of Nhoa -: I myself have an electric car and apart from the announcements I do not see the necessary infrastructure”.

Agreement with Stellantis to facilitate the use of the refill

And there is also an agreement with Stellantis, on this front (since, together with Noah, they are shareholders of Free2Move eSolutions) and which concerns precisely that recharging network that the group born from FCA and PSA announced on its day dedicated to mobility. electric, in the past few weeks. “We will collaborate with them to outline a widespread distribution, but also a usability for customers that is as simple as possible”, says Di Stefano.

“Relations with Stellantis are excellent and perhaps we would not be here if there had not been this type of agreement”, adds Guglielminotti.

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