@Groupe PSA: PR Faurecia at IAA Mobility 2021: technologies for a CO2 neutral mobility002178


At the 2021 IAA Mobility in Munich, Germany, Faurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive technology companies, will showcase its latest innovations for a sustainable cockpit and zero emissions mobility.
Major megatrends have long been shaping our world and technology disruptions are beginning to shift the center of gravity in the automotive world. For Faurecia, this means changing the way the Group thinks and designs vehicle technologies in line with its commitment to become CO2 neutral. By focusing on key trends, such as electrification and human-centric design, an environmentally-driven industry to vehicle automation, Faurecia aims to address future mobility needs with safe, affordable and sustainable solutions that benefit customers, consumers and the planet.
Visit the Faurecia booth located at booth B70 in Hall A1and discover how the Group innovates to reduce the CO2 footprint of its products by using sustainable materials and processes plus designing to extend product life and recyclability. Faurecia will also be demonstrating our ultra-low emissions technologies and new hydrogen solutions to support the transition to zero emissions mobility. 
Among our technology highlights:

Solutions to support a circular economy approach such as:

– Sustainable Materials (recycled, renewable and bio-sourced) integrated in instrument panels, center consoles, door panels for lightweighting vehicles and lowering CO2 emissions footprint
– Faurecia Seat for the Planet innovation program that focuses on using fewer and more sustainable materials for weight saving and CO2 emissions reduction as well as designing new module architectures for easy assembly and disassembly to facilitate recycling, reconditioning and refurbishing.

Displays technologies with optical bonding and energy savings including IRYStec software that improves visibility while saving energy as well as e-mirror solutions to ensure safer driving and improve fuel economy.
Breakthrough zero emissions hydrogen solutions showing our expertise in optimizing the system architecture and integration of tanks and stack systems in a light commercial vehicle chassis. Faurecia will also showcase the next generation of recyclable hydrogen tanks that aim to improve the environmental footprint of our systems.
Low emissions technologies such as the electrically heated catalyst, one of Faurecia’s unprecedented aftertreatment solutions, to drastically reduce pollutants for hybrid vehicles.

Due to current hygiene and distance regulations, we would like to ask you to make an appointment for a booth tour. Please contact us at faurecia@achtung.de

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