Linux Foundation’s InterUSS Adopted by Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation to Meet European U-Space Requirements for Unmanned Aircraft

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — InterUSS, a Linux Foundation open source project that enables trusted, secure and scalable interoperability to advance safe, equitable and efficient drone operations, today announced the launch of the network remote identification service (NET-RID). The new feature meets the European U-Space Regulation established by the European Union Safety Council, which will be enforced beginning January 2023.

Switzerland is the first country to fully implement the network remote identification service, which can be used by any drone operator and was developed in collaboration among the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation, Swiss U-Space Implementation (SUSI) membersand Wing (represented on the InterUSS board) to support information sharing about drone operations in the Swiss airspace.

“The development of Unmanned Aircraft Systems is well underway and exciting applications are emerging in geographies all over the world,” said Reinaldo Negron, Head of UTM at Wing and InterUSS Board Member. “Traditionally, aviation has been served by proprietary technologies. InterUSS is an operational example of bringing open source technologies based on internationally recognised standards to aviation and working on its development together. We are encouraged to see this advance led by industry in consultation with FOCA.”

“The InterUSS open source project allows us to work fast and meets all our requirements for interoperability,” said Benoit Curdy, Digital Transformation Architect, Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation. “Switzerland is proud to actively contribute to increased safety and interoperability for drone operations in an open and collaborative way. We look forward to partnering with other governments and industries as they join this effort to safely advance the UAS industry.”

The Swiss NET-RID service leverages InterUSS for its standards-based interoperability capabilities, connecting those who need or want information about a drone flying in a certain area, like a law enforcement agent or curious neighbor, with people who have data relevant to that area, like a U-space service provider. The ability for service providers to securely and safely share information with one another enables broader participation from a wide range of service providers. Wing and other SUSI Members host the InterUSS instance to support information sharing between 7 software applications. Interested parties in the country  can use any of these approved applications to participate in the NET-RID roll-out.

InterUSS is hosted at the Linux Foundation and provides a forum for collaboration and development of standards-compliant, open source implementations that facilitate communication in the U-Space/UTM environment. It supports a range of UTM / U-Space services by facilitating communications between USSs and implements the Discovery and Synchronization Service (DSS) defined in the ASTM Remote ID standard. It enables a USS to discover other USSs from which it needs to obtain information about flights and constraints in the airspace, and it provides mechanisms that require a USS to prove that it is aware of those flights and constraints. The InterUSS Platform accomplishes these functions without requiring any personally identifiable information and enables the USSs to share data only when necessary. The InterUSS platform was developed by industry in consultation with regulators and standards bodies around the world. It also provides a framework for interoperability in NASA’s UTM Technology Capability level demonstrations and the FAA’s UTM pilot program.

To get involved in the project, please visit:

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