Ford CEO Farley calls for making EVs more affordable, bringing mining back to US – The Detroit News

Making electrical vehicles affordable should be among the top priorities for automakers so that the average vehicle-buyer can purchase one, said Jim Farley, Ford Motor Co.’s  president & CEO.

“I’m deeply worried about the affordability,” said Farley Saturday during a discussion as part of the Detroit Homecoming VIII events, during a live-streamed interview with Mary Kramer, the director of the annual event.

“Average people cannot afford these vehicles and we have a lot of work to do to make them more affordable. … That’s the one that keeps me up at night.”

Ford President and CEO Jim Farley

Detroit Homecoming has been an annual event, since 2014, which brings notable ex-Detroiters back to the city to inspire city residents and re-engage them through their individual accomplishments and achievements.

Regarding electric vehicles, Farley said Executive Chairman Bill Ford “had a vision for this 20 years ago.” 

 “The (EV version of the F150) is completely sold out in Europe … in the U.S, in China,” said Farley, whose grandfather worked at the Rouge plant. “We have 150,000 orders and the truck isn’t just fast … it’s very fast but it can power your house for three days. I think this will really change electrification.”

Farley added that “the first generation of electric owners don’t work small commuter, economy (vehicles). … They want Mustangs, they want pickup trucks, they want utility vans,” said Farley. “They want the best products.”

He said a key issue is how production will impact labor concerns since it costs 30% less to manufacture the electrical vehicles. There also is an issue of battery supply and minerals such as lithium and cobalt to power them, said Farley. 

“We have to bring battery production here, but the supply chain has to go all the way to the mines. That’s where the real cost is and people in the U.S. don’t want mining in their neighborhoods,” said Farley.

“So are we going to import lithium and pull cobalt from nation-states that have child labor and all sorts of corruption or all we going to get serious about mining? … We have to solve these things and we don’t have much time.”