Automobile sales in Italy fell by 1.6% in the first quarter of the year

Posted 06/04/2018 11: 44: 42CET


Automobile registrations in the Italian market stood at 574,130 units during the first quarter of the year, representing a fall of 1.6% compared to the 583,162 registrations that occurred in the same period of the previous year, according to data from the National Archive of Vehicles of Italy collected by Europa Press.

The Association of Foreign Automobile Manufacturers of Italy (Unrae, for its acronym in Italian) this decline in sales of the transalpine market to the decline experienced by this in March, which had a working day less than in 2017. During the Last month, 213,371 automobiles were marketed in Italy, 5.8% less.

The president of the Unrae, Michele Crisci, said that the slowdown in the market slows down “even more” the ability of manufacturers to contribute to the renovation of the circulating car fleet, despite the “powerful” promotional campaigns.

Thus, Crisci summons the new Executive to listen to the manufacturers, with the aim that between both find possible solutions to “eliminate” the oldest vehicles on the roads of the Italian country.

“We have to introduce cars that incorporate more advanced technology and we can meet the emission targets set by Europe,” he underlined.

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