@Groupe PSA: PR Technology insights: why Faurecia has created a scientific council002794


The automotive industry is at the heart of major technology evolution, and not just driven by megatrends such as electrification, automated driving and connectivity. Additional technology trends – from energy applications, digital and AI, material sciences, to cognitive sciences and circular economy techniques – have the potential to reshape the ways we can imagine the future of mobility.
Faurecia has always had a proactive approach to maintaining and increasing its technology leadership, for example through an open innovation ecosystem of academic and research partnerships. To strengthen our ability to understand, analyse and anticipate new technology applications the Group has recently created a Scientific Council.
Faurecia’s Scientific Council is composed of high-level representatives of globally renowned scientific institutions such as the Collège de France, the CNRS (French National Research Center) and the CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission). The work of its members is to provide a global and comprehensive overview on latest technology and science developments, propose new areas for investigation, make global assessments and define different scenarii to help in technology deployment.
Scientific Council members include Marc Fontecave, Professeur at the Collège de France and President of Collège de France Foundation, Yves Samson, Scientific Director at CEA Tech, Jean-Luc Moullet, Chief Innovation Officer at CNRS, Eric Moulines, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, alongside Christophe Aufrère, Faurecia’s Group Chief Technology Officer and Patrick Koller, CEO.

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