@Nio: Manufacturing Equipment Arrives at the First Factory of NeoPark000322

On November 24, installation of the first batch of manufacturing facilities started at NeoPark’s first factory which is also the second manufacturing base of NIO. The new manufacturing base envisions lean and efficient, smart and advanced, green and joyful manufacturing. Since the construction commenced on April 29, 2021, it took less than seven months from land preparation to completing the main building of the factory. Today the delivery and installation of manufacturing equipment has begun. The pace of construction is leading the industry.

The manufacturing equipment delivered for installation covers major processes including stamping, welding, painting and general assembly, embodying the industry-leading automation, intelligence and environmental-friendliness.

Covering 11.3 square kilometers, NeoPark features three main function areas: smart manufacturing, R&D and living space, and eco park. According to the plan, the first tooling trial vehicle will roll off the pilot production line in NIO’s new manufacturing base in the second quarter of 2022, and will be mass-produced from the third quarter. As one of the early companies entering NeoPark, NIO, together with its partners, will contribute to shaping a world-class smart electric vehicle industrial cluster.

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