Registrations in November fall in all market segments

The registrations of passenger cars and SUVs fell by 12.3% in the month of November, to 66,399 units, compared to November 2020.

Light commercial vehicle registrations fell 33% in the month compared to November 2020, to 10,472 units.

Industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses closed the month of November with a drop in deliveries of 15.2%, with 2,283 units.

Madrid, December 1, 2021. All market segments reduce their deliveries in the month of November compared to the same month last year. Specifically, passenger car registrations fell by 12.3% in the eleventh month of the year, to 66,399 units, compared to November 2020. If compared to the same month in 2019, the drop amounts to 28.7% . Between January and November 2021, 773,396 units were sold, 4% more than in the first eleven months of 2020 but 33% less than in the same period of 2019.

By channels, the rental channel registered the worst drop with a drop in deliveries of 23%, to 3,230 units. The retail channel is the one that decreased the least, 11.1% and delivered 34,436 units.

The average CO2 emissions of passenger cars sold in November stood at 120.5 grams of CO2 per kilometer (WLTP), 6.6% lower than that registered last year this month.


In November, 10,472 light commercial vehicles were registered, which is 33% less than in 2020. In the accumulated of the year, sales of light commercial vehicles reached 140,984 units, which already registered fewer sales than in the same period 2020, 0.4% less. By channels, the worst fall was registered by the self-employed channel, which reduced its purchases by 55.3% while renters did so by 24.5%.


The registrations of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses fell 15.2% compared to November last year, with 2,283 units. In the accumulated of the year, sales in this segment grew by 7.2% compared to 2020, to 21,075 units. The segment of heavy industrial vehicles, the one that accumulates the most volume, reduced its sales by 18.8%, although the greatest fall was registered by light commercial vehicles, with a decrease of 33%.


Noemi Navas, Director of Communication of ANFAC, explained that “although the reasons why sales do not grow remain the same as in previous months (the shortage of semiconductors and the fall in demand due to the economic crisis derived from the pandemic), urgent measures must be activated to mitigate the consequences. The amendments included in the General State Budgets for the automotive sector referred to very important fiscal issues to advance in the recovery of the market, the renewal of the park and in promoting electrification. Eliminating them from the final text supposes a negative impact that aggravates the problems in this very negative situation. It is necessary to activate a comprehensive policy for the automotive sector and agile, forceful and far-reaching measures ”.

Raúl Morales, communication director of FACONAUTO, indicates that “the data for November show that the steep falls of recent months have slowed but the trend continues to be downward and more when we are comparing with November of last year, which was a bad month. We do not stop being, therefore, before a very depressed market. What does give rise to hope is that buyers have come to grips with the situation and are going to dealerships to make their purchase, even knowing that it will take longer than usual to receive their new vehicle. We estimate that an order book of more than 100,000 units has already been generated and will be converted into registrations next year. These 100,000 clients will be harmed by the increase in the registration tax on January 1, so we insist on the need to extend it, also as a tool to regularize the market situation and move towards a more logical level of registrations for our country and advance in the renovation of the park. “

According to Ganvam’s Communications Director, Tania Puche, “the market continues in free fall as a result of the pandemic and the microchip crisis. Everything indicates that it will close the year in the environment of 855,000 units, chaining two years under minimums, in which it will be as if 2020 and 2021 had a quarter less. As if that were not enough, in this context, the veto of the Government in the General State Budgets to the amendments of PdCat, Cs and PP against the increase of the Registration Tax aggravates the situation of the sector, making it even more difficult for the buyer than want to buy a car from next January ”.

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