@Honda: Production, Sales and Export Results in January, 2022

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. today announced a summary of automobile production, Japan domestic sales, and export results for the month of January 2022.

World Production

  Janurary 2022 YOY
Japan 51,084 102.7%
Outside of Japan 307,618 101.9%
Total 358,702 102.0%

Production in Main Regions

North America 99,172      88.7%
USA 64,841      89.1%
Asia 203,964      116.9%
China 156,852  115.1%

 * Record high for the month of January

  • Production in Japan: 3rd consecutive month of YOY increase
  • Production outside Japan: 1st YOY increase in 8 months
  • Worldwide production: 1st YOY increase in 8 months

Sales in the Japanese Market

  Janurary 2022 YOY
Total 47,795  100.6%
Registrations 20,617 104.8%
Mini-vehicles 27,178 97.6%
  • Total sales in Japan: 1st YOY increase in 8 months
  • New vehicle registrations: 3rd consecutive month of YOY increase
  • Sales of mini-vehicles: 6th consecutive month of YOY decrease

Exports from Japan

  Janurary 2022 YOY
Total 7,973 306.7%
North America 595 410.3%
USA 595 410.3%
Asia 563 372.8%
Europe 5,929 354.6%
Others 886 140.2%
  • Total exports from Japan: 4th consecutive month of YOY increase

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