“Nuova” Comau, between projects and spin offs: Gorlier immediately meets the trade unions: “We want a dialogue with the workers”

His arrival was greeted with some concern: not for his person, but for the fact that it was a new change at the top for an important industrial reality – in the Turin automotive scene – like Comau. And instead, a few days after his appointment as CEO, Pietro Gorlier met the trade unions (both the RSA and the territorial ones) at the Grugliasco headquarters.

Formerly trusted by Sergio Marchionne and head of FCA’s EMEA before the merger with PSA that led to Stellantis took place, Gorlier wanted to meet the workers ‘representatives “with the aim of starting a fruitful and constant dialogue with the workers’ representatives. “.

After today’s, in fact, other moments of confrontation between the top management of the company and the trade unions are scheduled. Meanwhile, the new CEO reaffirmed the centrality of an expansion plan that links robotics and automotive (Comau’s flagships), accompanying the transition to electricity, as is happening throughout the sector connected to transport on eraser.

“A few days after his appointment, it was positive to meet – comments Toni Inserra, exponent of Fiom Cgil -, but it is still too early to talk about the industrial plan. There have been no particular news, we expect something more precise and concrete at next meeting, after the inspections have also been carried out in the other Comau factories “.

“A presentation meeting, for now: he has been coming to the company for a few days – adds Igor Albera, of Fim Cisl -, but we promised to meet at the end of May in order to have a few more elements. spin off did not deny it: one of its tasks is to work to make the company independent. But it also said that we must not be in a hurry, while the priorities will be dedicated to things already in place and projects in progress “.

“We positively grasp the availability – concludes Cinzia Pepe, of Uilm -, but questions have also been asked about the future of the company’s intention, given that we are talking about 4000 workers involved. The difficulties have not been denied, but it also takes time to understand the situation and for this reason we will meet again in about a month. The transformation, however, is inevitable, looking at new slices of the market, but while protecting the brand “.

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