Both the party programs and the government platform are crystal clear that electric cars under NOK 600,000 will not pay VAT. – That the government, completely without warning, runs from this promise is very serious, says Erik Andresen in Bilimportørenes Landsforening.
The Revised National Budget, which was presented today, states that the government will introduce a subsidy scheme that will reflect an added value exemption for purchase amounts up to NOK 500,000 from 1 January 2023.
This is in direct conflict with what both the government parties and SV have promised in their party programs, regarding exemptions of up to NOK 600,000. The Hurdal platform, which is no more than half a year old, also states the following wording:
Ensure a fair climate policy by paying VAT on the amount over NOK 600,000 when buying new electric cars.
-With this, all cars worth more than NOK 600,000 will be at least NOK 25,000 more expensive than in the government platform. At a time when thousands of customers are waiting for a new car, and delivery times are extraordinarily long as a result of pandemics and war, many “ordinary people” will get a big tax bill, on top of high energy prices, higher food prices and higher interest rates, says Andresen.
-It is no surprise that the government is starting to phase out the purchase benefits of electric cars, so we were prepared for a warning to be issued now in the Revised National Budget. But we have not in our wildest imagination believed that the government would not stick to the amount limit. SV has also been crystal clear that it is 600,000 kroner that is the limit they go for. We therefore have an expectation that SV will prioritize this in the negotiations on RNB, says Andresen.
-We can see nothing but that this makes the road to the 2025 goal and the work with the green shift on the roads much more difficult.
-CAR is comfortable with the government choosing a cash support model instead of a bottom deduction model, and has also signaled to the government that a cash support model provides the best protection against second-hand imports of double-subsidized electric cars.