Readers’ Choice 2022 of the ETM publishing house: Grammer again “Best Brand” for bus passenger seats

– Grammer in first place for the fourth time in succession
– Products deliver compelling performance with quality and reliability

Grammer AG, June 2, 2022 – Grammer wins again: Some 6,000 readers of the German magazines “trans aktuell”, “Lastauto Omnibus”, “Fernfahrer” and the online portal “” are convinced by the company’s products. In the “Best Brands 2022” survey, they voted Grammer in first ranking in the “Bus Passenger Seats” category with 34 percent.

“We’re very pleased with this fourth win in a row – and with the fact that we were able to grow by a further four percent compared to last year,” said Timo Bauer, Vice President PMS Rail & Road, Grammer AG, at the award ceremony in Berlin on June 1, 2022. “More than ten million people worldwide are in touch with Grammer seats every day – an outcome like the one in the ETM readers’ poll is therefore a strong vote of confidence for us. After all, this decision is made by users who experience our products in daily use and who are convinced by their quality and reliability.” For almost 40 years, Grammer has been successfully equipping buses, streetcars and trains with driver and passenger seats as one of the leading suppliers on the European market.

With its regularly high participation, the ETM publishing house’s readers’ choice is regarded as a recognized industry barometer: In 2022, a total of 5,978 participants cast their votes. “A distinction like this is an important motivation for our whole team,” Bauer said. “We also see the further increase in approval ratings as a confirmation of our innovative strength, which we recently demonstrated again with the highly successful launch of our Ubility One concept.” With its pioneering Ubility One product family, Grammer makes urban passenger transportation fit for the 21st century by offering consistent lightweight construction, sustainable design and high user comfort.

Ubility One from Grammer: Find out more at

Company profile 
Grammer AG, headquartered in Ursensollen, Germany, is active in two business segments: Grammer develops and produces high-quality interior and operating systems as well as innovative thermoplastic components for the global automotive industry. Grammer is a full-service provider of driver and passenger seats for trucks, trains, buses and offroad vehicles. Grammer AG currently employs around 14,000 people in 19 countries worldwide, with sales of around 1.9 billion euros in 2021. Grammer shares are listed in the Prime Standard and traded on the Frankfurt and Munich stock exchanges and via the electronic trading system Xetra.

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